Learn about youth programs
Our goal is to make youth homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring. Efforts like the Youth Housing Demonstration Project (YHDP) are focused on making that goal a reality.

Youth Housing Demonstration Project
The Youth Housing Demonstration Project (YHDP) is a program that services those living through homelessness who are aged 16 – 24 years old. This program is funded through the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
In 2016, MyPath, which is supported by the Northwest Continuum of Care, began the process of getting federal support for the Youth Housing Demonstration Project in our region. In 2017, HUD award the NWCoC $1.41 million in funding to provide programming and services that are aimed at ending youth homelessness.
More information about the national YHDP program can be found on HUD Exchange website.

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